聯合動力公司. 慶祝 Automate 取得成功 2024

Greensky 最近參加了 Automate 2024

聯合動力公司. 慶祝 Automate 取得成功 2024

聯合動力公司, 格林斯基引以為傲的子公司, is excited to announce the success of its participation in Automate 2024, held by the Association for Advancing Automation (A3). 事件, which took place from May 6th to 9th, was an outstanding success, bringing together a vibrant community of customers, vendors, and industry leaders.

Automate show 2024 showcased the latest advancements in the automation industry, and United Motion Inc. was thrilled to be a part of it. Our team had the opportunity to meet numerous fascinating customers and industry experts, forming valuable connections that will help drive innovation and growth.Greensky 最近參加了 Automate 2024

We are delighted with the success of Automation fair 2024,” 約克說, 聯合運動公司發言人. “The event truly highlighted the vibrancy and dynamism of the automation industry. We were able to engage with many forward-thinking customers and partners, showcasing our high-quality electric motors and exploring exciting new opportunities.

Greensky 最近參加了 Automate 2024

As a member of A3, 聯合動力公司. takes great pride in participating in such a prestigious event. Our presence at Automate 2024 underscores our commitment to advancing automation technologies and supporting the industry’s growth.

We are proud to be a member of A3 and to have participated as exhibitors in Automate chicago 2024,added Jiaqi. “We eagerly anticipate next year’s event and look forward to reconnecting with the incredible people we met this year.

聯合動力公司. 在 Greensky 的保護下運營, leveraging its parent company’s expertise and dedication to excellence. This relationship ensures that our customers receive top-notch products and services tailored to meet their specific needs.Greensky 最近參加了 Automate 2024

Greensky Power Company Limited專業設計和製造微電機和控制器,自 2011. 主要產品包括 步進電機, 直流無刷電機, 屏蔽馬達, 微型交流電機, 等我們產品的主要應用是電動自行車, 電動皮划艇, 割草機,無刷直流泵, 顆粒鍋爐, 傳動機, ETC, 致力於為全球各產業提供高效可靠的馬達解決方案.

聯合動力公司, 綠天集團旗下子公司, 是 Greensky 小型電動機及相關產品在美國的主要分銷和支援中心.

有關 United Motion 和 Greensky 小型電動機系列的更多信息, 訪問 www.unitedmotioninc.com.



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