Greensky Power Co. GmbH. Umzug ins Shinion Business Center

Greensky Power Co., GmbH. moved to Xingao Business Center-6

Greensky Power Co. GmbH. Umzug ins Shinion Business Center

Greensky Power Co., GmbH. since its establishment in 2011, has achieved brilliant results through more than 10 years of attentivelyl management. With the further expansion of the company’s scale, In 2022, the company moved to Shinion Business Center——a 5A Grade A office building in Binjiang District, Hangzhou, which is adjacent to Huawei, NetEase, HikVision and other well-known major enterprises.

Greensky Power Co., GmbH. moved to Xingao Business CenterGreensky Power Co., GmbH. moved to Xingao Business Center

The relocation marks a new level of Greensky, the company will continue to establish a professional and high-quality Chinese brand with firm faith, full of passion, and solid style, to provide new and old customers with better service. We also look forward to more people of insight to join us and create a better future together!Greensky Power Co., GmbH. moved to Xingao Business CenterGreensky Power Co., GmbH. moved to Xingao Business CenterGreensky Power Co., GmbH. moved to Xingao Business Center


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